Saturday, August 26, 2006


After more than 2 years living out of a suitcase - moving from hotel to hotel... I am a home owner *jumping up and down - grinning from ear to ear*

Since I have a blog describing the places I go with my job... I though it was important to create a blog that describes the place that I will now call home...

Home... hmmm such a nice sound...

When I took my job, I moved my whole life into storage... including the car, when i wasnt working I would rent a hotel room, get little tibby (the car) from storage, enjoy the time off and when it was time to go back to work... drive the car into the storage unit, close the door (locking it tight) and board the next plane to the next hotel.

sometimes my schedule was such that I would have a couple of weeks at a time off... In a hotel costs can add up - plus believe it or not... I really missed cooking. I would try to find a condo to rent in the area, if possible.

Found one north of the airport about 30 miles, the condo itself was nothing to look at... however the location ahhh, on the top of a hill, overlooking a valley with mountains in the distance, and at night the city lights twinkle below. Equally as impressive as the view was the peace and quiet... a colony of bunnies would invade the small stretch of grass between the front door and the slope of the valley...

I do love my job, but sometimes (most of the time) it is fast paced and hectic... so this condo that i would occasionally rent from Carla was an ideal place to regroup.

Over the past year I have probably stayed there 4-5 times.

During my most recent stay, Jim and I notice a unit a couple doors down was for sale... well after what seemed like forever the deal was in escrow - and I was off to Thailand, arranging that the closing would take place the day returned.

While in Thailand i was tasked with signing papers, arranging insurance, arranging mortgage and all the other 'liitle' details entailed in purchasing a home... I had it planned out - thanks to FedEx it would be easy... (yah right)

One day I got online to pay my bills - and discovered that my Citi bank account had in fact been sold to M&T... translation - I have no money - it is now in a bank - that i dont have an account # to access... It took about 10 days and numerous phone calls to get things to the point where I would be able to close on the condo. Did I mention that Thailand is a 12 hour difference to the east coast and 15 to the west? Needless to say did not get much sleep in Thailand.

The good news - closing went smoothly... We had arranged with the movers who moved me into storage to move me out at 10am the day after closing... 10am came and went 11am came and went - no movers. They stood me up... scrambled to find a moving company thankfully we did and were moved in by 8pm...

So thats the story of getting the house... next will be what we do with it LOL

I was able to unpack about 80% of things - then duty called me to Indonesia... true confession in my spare moments here in Indonesia - I am in my mind knocking out walls rearranging furniture and picking paint colours... never dull eh?